I have analyzed every word in the discovery of the Chris Watts’ Case for nearly two years. I have made countless videos going over every interview, police body cam, text messages and more on YouTube. The murders of Shanann Rzucek, Bella, Celeste and unborn Nico were horrific in so many ways, but to know they were premeditated and carried out by their husband/father, Chris Watts, is incomprehensible to most people.

Now, Netflix has created a documentary in Shanann’s own words, American Murder : The Family Next Door was created from the extensive library of videos Shanann Rzucek left behind. To those of us following the case from the start, it is nothing new. We have scoured every one of those videos looking for clues.
There is some new footage of Shanann and Chris’ wedding and vacation to North Carolina shortly before the tragedy. However, it is worth watching because for the first time, we see a documentary from the victims’ perspective and in Shanann’s own words.
I was very emotional when I watched the nearly 90 minute documentary. I like many others have come to know Shanann, Bella and Celeste through the legacy of videos Shanann posted. However, many across the world have just learned of this case through this Netflix documentary. This has created a flood of people who want to learn more about this case.

In an effort to steer them away from controversial, conspiracy theories and click bait, I to make sure the discovery files , interviews and police cam videos can be easily found. This means people new to the case will be able to find the facts on this horrific case of a psychopath husband who let his mask slip to follow his own desires.
Many search for answers, how could this mild mannered, family man do such a thing? Christopher Watts mirrored the behaviors and emotions he thought he should have. He did not truly feel those emotions. What kind of person has to look up on the internet, “How does it feel when someone tells you they love you?” He played a part until he wanted another role. Divorce would have made him look like a bad guy. He could not stand thinking of anyone having a bad opinion of him.
Christopher Watts thought he had the perfect plan. In his mind, there was nothing to keep him from stepping out of the role of a husband and father of soon to be three children into the boyfriend of his sexually adventurous coworker. He would not be hated, instead he would be a victim. His wife and children had vanished and there would be a flood of friends coming by to comfort him with carefully prepared meals.
It did not work out that way. Shanann’s best friend spoiled Chris Watts’ perfect plan. Chris was a person of interest from the get go. He was in jail 2 days later and will remain in prison for the rest of his life.
In an interview from his Wisconsin prison with FBI, CBI and Frederick PD Detectives, Chris said he hopes people won’t judge him on this one event. He is unhinged in his thinking but proves the point that he cares so much about what people think of him.
He could not have walked away, he did not want to get a divorce because people would think he was a bad guy. In the end, his actions are beyond belief for most people. He not only annihilated his family but disposed of his precious daughters in the most heinous way he could.
Christopher Watts wants to be thought of as a good guy and yet he wants to be in the spotlight. He has already told numerous stories as to what happened on August 13, 2018. Each time the details are more horrific. it seems he is doing it for attention and/or to hurt the Rzucek family.
The truth is Christopher Watts extinguished the lives of four beautiful souls. We need to remember and celebrate their lives and I think the Netflix documentary does just that in Shanann’s beautiful voice. It is definitely worth the watch.
For more information on this case you can check out the interviews HERE . Almost 2,000 pages of discovery files are HERE. More videos of my analysis of this case are HERE and police body cam videos HERE.