If you have taken the time to analyze Chris Watts, you know that he needs direction. He is lost without a plan to follow. With a plan, he works like a robot on an assembly line. His coworkers called him Rainman because of the way he worked on the oil field.
Chris would follow routines to the T. He would recite the same routines over and over. He was comfortable and capable when their were guidelines in place.
Planning things or initiating something was not something he could do. This is what makes it unbelievable that he could have orchestrated the murder of his pregnant wife and young daughters alone. While many agree that his mistress, Nichole Kessinger was a catalyst for their deaths, many believe she played and even bigger role.
Check out this video below. After viewing it, let me know if you think Nichol needs some more looking into by the FBI and CBI.
My opinion says yes.
He was comfortable and capable when THERE were guidelines in place. 🙂
Yes I feel NK was involved. It was also said but no one is discussing it. While Shannan was in NC Chris would part Shannans car on the corner several times.
Hello Mommy,
I believe they were all 3 in on these muders, (Chris, NK, & Jim). However, LE doesn’t have enough evidence and they were hoping Chris would come clean in March which he didn’t. The evidence they do
have is not enough to indict anyone else unless Chris flips. I think we all know a hell of a lot more went
down that night then what he had admitted. First off I do believe CC was killed at house and poor Bella at tanks, the shadow is too compelling in my view that at least one of the girls were alive during the drive. The things I find odd are as follows. 1st it’s obvious now that the item Chris removed from SW car was
her wedding ring, why was it placed in their? Was this a down payment for the individual who was going
to remove her vehicle? It’s been said that the set cost about $10,000 so this would be a nice piece to redo into something not so recognizable in order to sell it, plus the value of the Ring might have appreciated some due to stones etc. CW knew he had to get that ring out of the car and then chose to present it to the officer like she had left him. 2nd in the interview it was stated that CC wasn’t up yet and THEY were walking around upstairs as he drug SW down the stairs. I believe Bella witnessed this and more and was
Inconsolable, someone was definitely calming her down or threatening her to shut up. 3rd CW stated he just couldn’t come clean to SW about affair even after the supposed sex and then 2nd conversation. He States that he straddled her and she then stated I knew you were having an affair! I do not believe the conversations or sex took place however I do believe that she was confronted , caught off guard and held down when NK made her appearance. So, I do believe at that time she stated I knew you were having an affair and they both proceeded to kill her. SW knew immediately that she was going to die and I believe his statement that she was praying is true she knew they were going to kill her an immediately started reciting prayer up until his hands were around her neck and the pillow was placed over her face by NK.
4th the dog that detects stress\hormonal pooling or what have you hit on a corner in the living room under the mirror and in the corner, handler said interesting and then took dog outside and brought dog back in. I think she was shocked as to where the dog was alerting in a corner area and either gestured to outside cop or had to gain her composure before re-entering home. She knew children were missing and knew that one of them could have possibly cowered down in this area hiding. I think Bella walked in during SW murder and ran either because SW told her too before she died or Bella saw what they were doing and ran. Last part in #2 section
Part 2
They/he needed to get rid of SW body as grave was temporary probably dug at an earlier time. I believe he was to stash gas can but either forgot, was too sick as he vomited on cat walk and defficated by grave. Or, co-workers showed up sooner than he expected. I think fumes, no sleep, and stress made his stomach in knots so he had to take precious time out to get himself together in order to work. I do believe Bella saw him dump SW body and I believe that poor little girl was stricken with complete and udder fear. He quickly covered her body and left rake head as marker. Why he left the sheet was probably an oversight as he had too much to do in a short amount of time. He carried CC body, took her out of bag and dumped her in tank. I believe Bella did cry and plead for her life. Autopsy showed she had bruising to her forearms and heels of feet. She must have kicked and flailed her feet and arms trying
to get free. He dumped her, threw up on cat walk probably more than one. He made an attempt to
Clean up mess, went back to field to defficate and snapped photo for NK showing all is done.
I don’t think Jim was their that night in the house I do however believe he dropped her of around the back in the early am and then picked her up hours later in her vehicle after she called him at 6:30 and her call was 1 minute and pinged in Frederick. Neighbor came home from exercising and saw her vehicle around 7:00 which is probably around the time Jim got their to pick her up. I think Jim dropped her off at work and picked her up. Either that or she drove herself their in the early a.m. helped Chris and then called Jim at 6:30 to say it’s done. She probably took a shower and left for work right after neighbor saw her vehicle
after returning at 7:00. Jim’s part was probably to blow the tanks. You couldn’t just blow the tanks and then have your family missing as that would be too strange so I do think that SW and her vehicle were going to blow up as well making it look like a murder suicide. NK and CW are both psychopaths but I believe Jim is just a lackey. Jim is the key to getting her placed in prison for life but he’s probably another CW and will keep his mouth shut. Did LE ever question him? If not why? I don’t give a shit that she wanted him left alone, there’s a reason for that and it’s because he’s weak like CW. If properly questioned Jim would have. They need to question him, give him immunity as she is the real puppeteer. She is dangerous extremely dangerous. I can read NK like the back of my hand. She’s 30 unmarried like all her friends with no prospects. The few previous relationships she’s had have all dumped her. Either they got what they wanted because she came on so strong sexually or they figured out quickly how volatile and toxic she is and got out fast. She’s tried dating sites and even the gym but still can’t get any takers. She was willing to snag what she wanted by any means necessary…and along comes dumb shit
Chris Watts. She knew from their first encounter she could manipulate him but the over 5 weeks SW was gone she hooked him, cottled him, praised him, placated to his every whim and fantasy like the trashy whore she is. He wanted that new life but it came with a steep price and she let him know under no uncertain terms that she would not play 2nd fiddle again EVER! It’s either all or none buddy. I will not deal with your ex or those kids, I’m not sharing a single dime with her brats and most of all they all have to go because I’m not taking z chance you’ll leave me and go back to them…they have to go! It’s them or me. He chose the devil and sacrificed his family and himself to the devil. Now he’s got religion…please don’t make me laugh. The religion BS is his way of protecting himself any way he can while in prison, all the while trying to make himself somewhat important by sharing his story with others for he is now redeemed. In my eyes there is no redemption for people like Chris Watts, they are what they are, evil to the core and ghat includes their soul. Thank you for allowing me to rant about a case that has just eaten me up.