Here are the phone records for Chris Watts’ mistress for billing period Jul 14, 2018 – Aug 13, 2018. You will notice she made a call to her friend Jim, the morning that Shanann and the girls went missing at 6:16 am. That call pinged from Frederick, CO.
I have highlighted all calls from and to Jim in yellow and all calls from and to Chris in blue.
You can download or view the information below.
Another document proving she was there. Right there in fn BLACK AND WHITE she was in Fredrick at 616 am. This is bullshit. Why isn’t she arrested yet. I never thought I’d want anyone to be held accountable for a crime more than I did Casey Anthony..well I’ve now found someone.
Precisely! I Thought that call is for him to pick her up or something!! Or go help Chris. But it was so short, I think it was, it’s a go! Cause they didn’t want text record of it. Him coming to visit and having a key is BS.
Thank you soooooo much, and keep up the good work!!!💜