Patrick Frazee’s preliminary hearing yesterday let me see once again, just how disturbed and evil people can be. This case comes out of Colorado, right on the heels of the Chris Watts case. However, the premeditated murder of 29-year-old Kelsey Berreth did not have to happen.
CBI Agent Greg Slater took the stand and recanted the details of his interviews with Krystal Jean Kenney. Kenney 32, was involved romantically with Patrick Frazee. Frazee also had a relationship with Kelsey Berreth who was the mother of their one year old daughter.

On September 23, 2018, Kenney said Frazee asked her to use a fake name and befriend Kelsey Berreth. Frazee wanted Kenney to murder Kelsey, ,because he claimed she was an abusive mother. She claims his plan was for her to pose as a new neighbor in the Woodland Park neighborhood where Kelsey had a townhouse. She alleges Patrick told her to bring Kelsey a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato, and lace it with Ambien or something similar. She said that because she was a nurse, Patrick knew she had access to the right drugs to accomplish this.

Krystal Kenney lived over 600 miles away in Idaho. That is a long drive, plenty of time for someone to think. She made the journey down to Kelsey’s townhouse, stopping at Starbucks to pick up the coffee drink. However, she said that she did not drug the beverage before handing it off to Kelsey. Her reasoning was that she did not want to hurt Kelsey. I have reservations and do not feel she is being truthful based on her behavior and actions.
If you think this is strange, you have not heard anything yet. Kenney claims she told Patrick she could not do the deed. She says he got angry but later texted her that he was sorry. She says he told her, he will will give her another chance to “get rid” of Kelsey This time his plan included the use of a pipe. Once again, Kenney made the journey down and got out of the car at Kelsey’s, but claimed she heard a dog barking and got scared. She says she left the pipe at Frazee’s mother’s ranch at the gate.
She said Frazee was angry again but said he would give her another chance to get this done. He told her to get an aluminum baseball bat and advised her that she should just start swinging. After making the trek down again, she said she could not do it.

During this time frame of at least 2 months, she never once went to authorities to let them know about the intended plan to murder Kelsey. She could have saved this young mom’s life. Instead, she claimed she was motivated by her love for Patrick and fear that he would do something to her daughter.
Is Kenney just using a narrative of fear to cover up the callous and heartless nature of her complicity in this crime? She did tell a friend, who in turn told 2 legal professionals where she worked. The friend told Kenney, they wanted to speak to her about this. However, Kenney blew it off, sayign that her boyfriend changed his mind.
She had the chance to be a hero, but she chose to be an accomplice. She cleaned up the crime scene when she alleged Patrick killed Kelsey himself with the aluminum bat. She cleaned for hours before going to Sonic on the November 24th.
Afterward, she helped Patrick burn the body, that was placed in a black tote, along with trash bags full of items from the crime scene. After that she sent text messages to Patrick and Kelsey’s employer before disposing of Kelsey’s cellphone near Gooding, Idaho.
Kenney was not forthcoming when first approached by investigators. She lied to them, and it was not until her arrest on December 18th, that things changed. Confronted with her lies, Krystal eventually started talking. Whether she is telling the truth now or not, remains to be seen.
Kenney took a plea deal which could result in 18 months to a maximum of 3 years in prison. Her sentencing will not occur until Patrick Frazee’s case is completed. Kenney was not present at yesterday’s hearing. See my complete coverage of the hearing in my video below.